Why spend money on multiple single purpose bags that only get used a few times every year? Whether you need a trusty weekender, a smart carry on or a large family bag, Kahoots is your purpose built, all-in-one solution.
Unlike other weekender style bags, the unique ultra-wide opening and impressive internal capacity means there’s plenty of room to bring everything you need, and find it again, without tipping the contents out. t’s easier than ever to stay organised as you pack, and on the go.
Kahoots is built with premium materials and exceptional workmanship, including reinforced stitching in the areas needed most, custom chrome hardware and robust zips, so you can rely on them to stand up to the rigours of your adventurous lifestyle again and again and again.
We have considered all the activities you may want to use Kahoots for - weekends away, jetsetting, boating and beyond. All the features have been purposefully designed to ensure your bag reliably stands up to those conditions. All that's left for you to do is relax and enjoy the fun stuff.